Thursday, June 01, 2006

THE SANDMAN and Neil Gaiman

FIRST, I AM SELLING MY COMICS and ahead of the line are those by Neil Gaiman.

The banner above depicts Morpheus, or Dream of the Endless, in various volumes of the comic The Sandman, where Dream is the protagonist.

The story is hilarious, sad, morbid, cerebral, mythical, and vast. About seven characters, siblings, who make up The Endless: Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirum--the immortal embodiments of what they represent. Mainly about Dream, or Morpheus or The Sandman, a melancholic idealist who fulfills his duty and whose destiny, borne of his dreams, desires, despair, and delirium, ultimately brings him to destruction and death.

What I am selling is composed of ten volumes, where the orignal issues of The Sandman have been bound. The story has survived more than a decade since its first issue, so persistent in the psyche of readers that many editions have already been released. My collection has both second and third edition covers (if not third and fourth, I am not certain).

Volume I: Preludes and Nocturnes
Volume II: Doll's House
Volume III: Dream Country
Volume IV: Season of Mists
Volume V: A Game of You
Volume VI: Fables & Reflections
Volume VII: Brief Lives
Volume VIII: Worlds' End
Volume IX: The Kindly Ones
Volume X: The Wake


There was a time when this story was quite dear to me.
I guess it still is, except that people grow up and heroes die.

Together with The Sandman series I am also selling other graphic novels by Neil Gaiman. Death (Dream's sister): The Time of Your Life, Death: The High Cost of Living, Black Orchid, The Books of Magic, Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days, and The Comical Tragedy or Tragical Comedy of Mr. Punch. The two books of Death are related to the ten volumes of The Sandman. The Books of Magic story was continued in two or three more books, but not by Gaiman. By the title itself, Mr. Punch is the most serious book in this set.


Contact me at for prices and purchasing details. More comics to come. Good sunny day.